Foodie Penpal Reveal!

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Foodie Penpal

So I joined this fun group called Foodie Penpals and I’m SO very excited to tell you that I received my box from a sweetheart named Courtney!  I’m not seeing that she has a blog or I’d link to it now.

So here’s how this works.  We’re all matched up with foodie penpals on the 5th of every month.  By the 15th of the month, we’re supposed to have our $15 package in the mail to whomever we’re matched with.  Again, the limit is supposed to be $15 (but I had so much fun because this is my FIRST month doing the exchange that I went WAY over for my match).  We stay in contact with who we’re matched with, letting them know our likes and dislikes or dietary requirements and THEY’RE supposed to try and do the best they can to meet those requirements.  The other rule is that we HAVE to include a handwritten note that can include a recipe, a picture or pretty much whatever you want to include.

Once you receive your gift in the mail, you post about it on the last day of the month.  Here’s where I’m going to break the rule.  I don’t want to forget or not be able to be here on the last day of the month, so I’m posting about this now.  We’re also supposed to include pics.

Here’s what I got from my “Foodie Penpal”, Courtney!  She did an absolutely awesome job and I can’t wait to devour my tasty gifts!  lol


Box of goodies from Courtney!


Werther’s originals and I DO love these too Courtney!


Espresso beans… a NEW love of mine 🙂


Sweet AND savory rosemary shortbread.

I had NO IDEA how much I’d love these.  I was expecting just savory but who knew that herbs could be so delicious when mixed with sugar!  I’m eating these right now and after I get off here, I’m doing a search to see where I can order these.  I guess this is what the Penpal thing is all about.. to discover NEW food interests!


She even made me a bag of trail mix!  I wish I would have had this on my recent hike over the weekend at the Trout Lodge!


Oh the Hubby is SO going to love these peanut butter cups!  Too sad he’s on a diet, huh?  lmbo


Here’s something else I should have had at the Trout Lodge.  AND it’s a healthy snack that even the hubby can have on his diet 😉  That is, if I decide to share 😉


Courtney’s handwritten note.

Thanks so much girl

So get off your butts and join Lindsay at the Lean Green Bean.  Exchanging food with people is fun 🙂  I love shopping for others and I also love surprises when they come in the mail.  I think I’ll stick with this little activity!  Check us out at The Foodie Penpal!