Almost accomplished!

It’s already noon and I feel like it should be 8 AM!  I have to give Hubby a lot of credit because he worked his butt off getting my little “office” ready and 5 very large bookshelves up this weekend.

That means I was obligated to get the hundreds of books out of HIS room and off the floor in my closet 😦  NOT fun.  But I did it!  The bookshelves aren’t enough though.  SO sad.  I’ve mentioned before that I’m a book hoarder?  Yeah, it’s WAY worse than I thought.  But this gave me the opportunity to get the books that I know I’m really not interested in reading GONE!

I’m giving the Romance Genre to my Sister In Law’s mother, who just suffered the loss of her husband.  She’s on crutches and can’t go to work… and she’s lonely.  Someone told me she likes to read Romance novels… PERFECT.  10 bags going her way!  lol

My oldest daughter is a teacher and a long time ago asked that I give her all my children’s books.  I have at LEAST 300 children’s books.  They will be going HER way.  Did you know that teachers are responsible for stocking their own book shelves?  Ridiculous.  However, I don’t mind at ALL helping out.  The sad thing is that she’s not talking to me so I’ll have to have Hubby go to her house and deliver.

It amazes me how cleaning up one mess leads to cleaning up a million others.  I have so much more to go…  it’s a start.

(what I WISH my little room would look like!  lol)